So What is The Great Conversation?

One of the most rewarding things about reading books is that eventually they start talking with one another. At first, a story stands on its own merits, but then comparisons begin forming of their own accord. Some are compelling, some take a little bit of persuasion to convince your friends of the truth you see.

After some required high school reading, you may begin to wonder who is closer to insanity: Hamlet or Holden Caulfield? Later, once you have plowed through the Harry Potter series and eventually braved the prose of Tolkien, you may compare Wormtail’s treachery to Wormtongue’s deception. And yes, after a summer of the Bronte sisters with some Star Wars, you might even begin to realize that Jane Eyre refuses Mr. Rochester because he is being wooed by the Dark Side. He represents unbridled passion and you need only glance at the Code of the Sith to see where that leads… Continue reading