It Finally Happened (and What It Taught Me)

Well, folks, the day came and went. You never think that it’s going to happen to you. Chickenpox. Puberty. Switching schools and passing out on the first field trip (well maybe that one’s just me). But last night it happened to us.

Zoë and I were witnessed to.

Some Context

We were strolling through the King of Prussia mall, mostly window shopping, pining after huge rugged, impractical cutting boards and espresso makers that cost as much as our car. We were just leaving the store, preparing for a good fifteen minutes of looking for our exit, casting one last glance at the impressive array of Creuset ramekins, when a voice stopped us. “Hi. I’m Elora and this is Tony and we are theology students from Jenkintown. Can we ask you a few questions?”

Thinking they were theology students, we agreed to their survey.

First question: “Are you familiar with the Bible?” This made sense.They didn’t want to assume anything, so better start with the basics. We said yes. Continue reading